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Gerry Murak

Hurricane Katrina, the Mumbai Floods, the Tsunami and the anniversary of 9/11 inspired an addition to the "Who Art In Heaven" Series.
Disasters can cause us to feel helpless. A photo on the picture page of a newspaper, a news broadcast or magazine can be informative as well as cause us to question of how we can be of some assistance. For me, a series of events which started with a photo in the Buffalo news picture page in August of children looking out the window of their modest and fragile home against the rising flood waters of Mumbai, India.

In the order listed below are my documented reflections on this weblog regarding the victims of disasters such as the floods in Mumbai (Bombay, India), a plane crash, Hurricane Katrina and the fourth anniversary of 9/11:

8/09 - Flood Victims in Mumbai (Bombay) India to Benefit from Book Signing

8/14 - India Day Mela - an Education Beyond College

8/17 - Natural Disasters, Plane Crashes, Bombings & War - Finding the Common Denominator

9/01 - Flood Victims of Katrina are More Than a Number

9/11 - Posted on the 4th anniversary

In turn, these postings caused me to think how quickly the victims of the recent Tsunami and their surviving loved ones, family and friends have almost disappeared from any media coverage. All of this represents too many individuals who lost their lives too suddenly and are quickly forgotten.

My vision is to build a legacy for all of these individuals through a fund for the neediest surviving orphaned children of future disasters. "Our Disaster Victims Who Art In Heaven" will be the future title in the "Who Art In Heaven Series". The stories of the life lessons of the lost loved ones left behind in the hearts and minds of the survivors of disasters, will be compiled into a future book(s). In turn, the profits from this specific title will be donated directly to such a fund.

My Father, who art in heaven, always taught me through his work and example to "leave things better than you find them". Each journey, into continual improvement, starts with a single step. Your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated in guiding this new journey. "We all have it in our hearts to heal one another", Carlos Santana 9/13/2005 - World Music Awards 2005.

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Thank you for the prayer. I think we all need that.

I think this world is defiantly changing and even for us in Canada feel for those many who have lost love ones from all these recent disasters that has been happening around the world.

I know how hard it is to loose love ones. We all feel for you guys.


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