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Scott Ringo

We have a staging area set up 27 miles north of Houston in a town called Porter.

2 acres, 13,000 sq ft facility, Big parking area to stage from and use of the 3 story 140x 80 foot facility.

We are in need of everything we can put into the place.

We especially need of a couple large generators and all the water and supplies we can fit into 13,000 square feet.

Address and Directions:

Strategic Teams c/o Jerry Davis Ministries 24682 HWY 59 North, Porter, TX

1 mile n kingwood 1 mile south porter

Directions from Downtown Houston to 24862 Highway 59,
Porter, TX 77365 - 27.49 miles.

1. US-59 N toward CLEVELAND from Downtown 24.1 miles
2. Take the exit toward FM-1314/PORTER/CONROE 0.1 miles
3. Stay STRAIGHT to go onto US-59 N/EASTEX FWY 0.2 miles
4. Make a U-TURN onto US-59 S/EASTEX FWY 1.2 miles
5. End at 24862 Highway 59, Porter, TX 77365-6139 US

We are leaving those embedding in Katrina and now setting up staging areas and relief centers in Houston and along what we think are going to be the edge of the surge for immediate response. We are already in need of gasoline in Houston. We were very instrumental in setting up the 21 relief centers quickly and plan to do the same with Rita. Gas was really hard. We would like to find some ATV's that we could utilize for this next adventure that would allow us to move fast and not worry so much about the gas. ATV's with extra tanks of gas would work great.

In the next day we are trying to get 20 people equip with sat phones, All Terrain Vehicles, ultra light tents, first aid packs, diamond head lamps with large battery packs, and GPS devices so once Rita hits these teams can move fast and acurate to assess the needs and administer immediate help while mobilizing ground crews from the staging area to come in to specific areas.

Website: www.axiom.typepad.com/katrinarelief
Other contact info:

Our relief efforts revolve around these key initiatives:

Trucking water and meal replacement bars into affected areas
Airlift supplies into areas that have no access
Non-perishable food
Water, Gatorade
First aid items
Hygiene items
Provide Adopt-A-Family service
Another vital service we are providing is daily airlifting and trucking in supplies from Austin, TX and Northwest Arkansas.


The greatest needs are finances. Getting relief items from the point they are donated to the point where they are needed has been the greatest challenge both financially and logistically. We could be much more efficient if we could buy the items needed in the location where we have planes and trucks ready to deliever the supplies. Rather than spending valuable resources on shipping from far away parts of the country, you might consider providing a financial gift gift that could be used in a more efficient manner.

If you would rather give items, any of these items will assist victims of Hurricane Katrina:

Lanterns Matches Diapers Non-Perishable Foods
Flashlights Hats Water Insect Repellant
Batteries Wipes Coolers Baby Food/Formula/Diapers
Nutrition Bars First Aid Toys Eating Utensils

Biggest Need: Gatoraide

We are also in need of the following resources to help us distribute these items:
(These are vital items without which our operation stops.)

18 Wheelers Trucks Short tank fuel truck
Funds for Fuel
Enclosed cargo trailers
Camper trailers
Iridium 9505A satellite phones and satellite minutes
1050 gallon Water Buffalo
Digital SLR cameras
5 mile Motorola radios
Donated Airline miles
Operating Funds

Mike Chau

Are there any relief funds where we can donate money and items that you know of up here in Canada?

We're always praying for you.


Mike Chau

Are there any relief funds where we can donate money and items that you know of up here in Canada?

We're always praying for you.



We're always praying for you.



I assume you're not serious, but in case you are--of course there in relief agencies in Canada collecting money. Most of the big organizations like Salvation Army have chapters in Canada.


Gripping information's and ideas you have shared. I may not always visit your site but to tell you honestly. I am completely satisfied with what i read here. Thanks!

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